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A toy programming language.


This header defines all of the memory management utilities. Any and all heap-based memory management goes through these utilities.

A default memory allocator function is used internally, but it can be overwritten for diagnostic and platform related purposes.

Defined Macros


This macro calculates, in place, what size of memory should be allocated based on the previous size.


This macro calculates, in place, what size of memory should be allocated based on the previous size. It grows faster than TOY_GROW_CAPACITY.

TOY_FREE(type, pointer)

This macro wraps Toy_reallocate(), which itself calls the allocator function. type is the type that will be freed, and pointer is to what is being freed. This should only be used when a single element has been allocated, as opposed to an array.

TOY_FREE_ARRAY(type, pointer, oldCount)

This macro wraps Toy_reallocate(), which itself calls the allocator function. type is the type that will be freed, pointer is a reference to what is being freed, and oldCount is the size of the array being freed. This should only be used when an array has been allocated, as opposed to a single element.

TOY_GROW_ARRAY(type, pointer, oldCount, count)

This macro wraps Toy_reallocate(), which itself calls the allocator function. type is the type that is being operated on, pointer is what is being resized, oldCount is the previous size of the array and count is the new size of the array (usually calculated with TOY_GROW_CAPACITY).

This returns a pointer of type.

TOY_SHRINK_ARRAY(type, pointer, oldCount, count)

This macro wraps Toy_reallocate(), which itself calls the allocator function. type is the type that is being operated on, pointer is what is being resized, oldCount is the previous size of the array and count is the new size of the array.

This returns a pointer of type.

Defined Interfaces

typedef void* (Toy_MemoryAllocatorFn)(void pointer, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize)

This function interface is used for defining any memory allocator functions.

Any and all memory allocator functions should:

Defined Functions

TOY_API void* Toy_reallocate(void* pointer, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize)

This function shouldn’t be called directly. Instead, use one of the given macros.

This function wraps a call to the internal assigned memory allocator.

void Toy_setMemoryAllocator(Toy_MemoryAllocatorFn)

This function sets the memory allocator, replacing the default memory allocator.

This function also overwrites any given refstring and reffunction memory allocators, see toy_refstring.h.