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The Toy Programming Language.

Compiling Toy

This tutorial is a subsection of Embedding Toy that has been spun off into its own page for the sake of brevity/sanity. It’s recommended that you read the main article first.

The exact phases outlined here are entirely implementation-dependent - that is, they aren’t required, and are simply how the canonical implementation of Toy works.

How the Compilation works

There are four main phases to running a Toy source file. These are:

lexing -> parsing -> compiling -> interpreting

Each phase has a dedicated set of functions and structures, as well as intermediate structures between these that carry information.

source   -> lexer       -> token
token    -> parser      -> AST
AST      -> compiler    -> bytecode
bytecode -> interpreter -> result


Exactly how the source code is loaded into a C-string is left up to the user, however once it’s loaded, it can be bound to a Toy_Lexer structure.

Toy_Lexer lexer;
Toy_initLexer(&lexer, source);

The lexer, when invoked, will break down the string of characters into individual Tokens.

The lexer does not need to be freed after use, however the source code does.


The Toy_Parser structure takes a Toy_Lexer as an argument when initialized.

Toy_Parser parser; 
Toy_initParser(&parser, &lexer);

Toy_ASTNode* node = Toy_scanParser(&parser);


The parser pumps the lexer for tokens, one at a time, and converts them into structures called Abstract Syntax Trees (or ASTs for short). Each AST represents a single top-level statement within the Toy script. You’ll know when the parser is finished with the lexer’s source when Toy_scanParser() begins returning NULL pointers.

The AST Nodes produced by Toy_scanParser() must be freed manually, and the parser itself should not be used again.


The actual compilation phase has two steps - instruction writing and collation.

size_t size;
Toy_Compiler compiler;

Toy_writeCompiler(&compiler, node); //node is an Toy_ASTNode

unsigned char* tb = Toy_collateCompiler(&compiler, &size);


The writing step is the process in which AST nodes are compressed into bytecode instructions, while literal values are extracted and placed aside in a cache (usually in a compressed, intermediate state).

The collation phase, however, is when the bytecode instructions, along with the now flattened intermediate literals and function bodies are combined. The bytecode header specified in Developing Toy is placed at the beginning of this blob of bytes during this step.

The Toy bytecode (abbreviated to tb), along with the size variable indicating the size of the bytecode, are the result of the compilation. This bytecode can be saved into a file for later consumption by the host at runtime - you must ensure that any bytecode files have the .tb extension.

Alternatively, the bytecode in memory can be passed directly to the interpreter.


The interpreter acts based on the contents of the bytecode given to it.

Toy_Interpreter interpreter;
Toy_runInterpreter(&interpreter, tb, size);

Exactly how it accomplishes this task is implementation dependant - as long as the results match expectations.


An example program, called toyrepl, is provided alongside Toy’s core. This program can handle many things, such as loading, compiling and executing Toy scripts; it’s capable of compiling any valid Toy program for later use, even those that rely on non-standard libraries. It also has a number of commonly needed libraries provided.

To get a list of options, run toyrepl -h.