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The Toy Programming Language.


This header defines the parser structure which, after being initialized with a lexer produces a series of abstract syntax trees to be passed to the compiler. The following is a utility function provided by repl_tools.h, demonstrating how to use the parser.

//generate bytecode from a given string
const unsigned char* Toy_compileString(const char* source, size_t* size) {
	//declare the relevant instances
	Toy_Lexer lexer;
	Toy_Parser parser;
	Toy_Compiler compiler;

	//initialize each of them
	Toy_initLexer(&lexer, source);
	Toy_initParser(&parser, &lexer);

	//when the parser returns NULL, it is finished
	Toy_ASTNode* node = Toy_scanParser(&parser);
	while(node != NULL) {
		//if the parser returns an error node, clean up and exit gracefully
		if (node->type == TOY_AST_NODE_ERROR) {
			//no need to clean the lexer
			return NULL;

		//write the node to the compiler
		Toy_writeCompiler(&compiler, node);

		//grab the next node
		node = Toy_scanParser(&parser);

	//get the bytecode to be returned
	const unsigned char* tb = Toy_collateCompiler(&compiler, size);

	//no need to clean the lexer

	return tb;

Defined Functions

void Toy_initParser(Toy_Parser* parser, Toy_Lexer* lexer)

This function initializes a Toy_Parser, binding the given Toy_Lexer to it.

void Toy_freeParser(Toy_Parser* parser)

This function frees a Toy_Parser once its task is completed.

Toy_ASTNode* Toy_scanParser(Toy_Parser* parser)

This function returns an abstract syntax tree representing part of the program, or an error node. The abstract syntax tree must be passed to Toy_writeCompiler() and/or Toy_freeASTNode().

This function should be called repeatedly until it returns NULL, indicating the end of the program.

void Toy_freeASTNode(Toy_ASTNode* node)

This function cleans up any valid instance of Toy_ASTNode pointer passed to it. It is most commonly used to clean up the values returned by Toy_scanParser, after they have been passed to Toy_writeCompiler, or when the node is an error node.

Note: this function is actually defined in toy_ast_node.h, but documented here, because this is where it matters most.