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The Toy Programming Language.


This header defines the array structure, which manages a series of Toy_Literal instances in sequential memory. The array does not take ownership of given literals, instead it makes an internal copy.

The array type is one of two fundamental data structures used throughout Toy - the other is the dictionary.

Defined Functions

void Toy_freeLiteralArray(Toy_LiteralArray* array)

This function frees a Toy_LiteralArray pointed to by array. Every literal within is passed to Toy_freeLiteral() before its memory is released.

int Toy_pushLiteralArray(Toy_LiteralArray* array, Toy_Literal literal)

This function adds a new literal to the end of the array, growing the array’s internal buffer if needed.

This function returns the index of the inserted value.

Toy_Literal Toy_popLiteralArray(Toy_LiteralArray* array)

This function removes the literal at the end of the array, and returns it.

bool Toy_setLiteralArray(Toy_LiteralArray* array, Toy_Literal index, Toy_Literal value)

This function frees the literal at the position represented by the integer literal index, and stores value in its place.

This function returns true on success, otherwise it returns false.

Toy_Literal Toy_getLiteralArray(Toy_LiteralArray* array, Toy_Literal index)

This function returns the literal at the position represented by the integer literal index, or returns a null literal if none is found.

If index is not an integer literal or is out of bounds, this function returns a null literal.

int Toy_private_findLiteralIndex(Toy_LiteralArray* array, Toy_Literal literal)

This function scans through the array, and returns the index of the first element that matches the given literal, otherwise it returns -1.

Private functions are not intended for general use.